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Regenerative Medicine consists of using the patient’s own body for healing. In other words, it is about developing therapies for the regeneration or reconstruction of tissues and organs. This part of Medicine has been perfected in recent years and the result is very beneficial for patients. Its virtues are that these processes are minimally invasive and simple, with hardly any risks.

There are various procedures, although the Dr. Gastaldi Trauma Institute focuses on the so-called “growth factors” and mesenchymal stem cells.

How is the process?
The process of removing MSCs is performed by the specialist surgeon in the operating room, or through the patient’s own fat or bone marrow. It is a relatively quick technique that requires minimal sedation in most cases. These cells are then infiltrated into the exact injured area for regeneration.

Growth Factors

In recent times, therapy with growth factors has improved significantly and many patients have already benefited from this technique. One of the fields of medicine in which it is most rapidly used is in Traumatology to help regenerate muscles, tendons, joints, etc.

Spain is one of the pioneering countries in the development of this therapy. Although it started with elite athletes (Rafa Nadal, Kobe Bryant or numerous football players) it has now spread to all types of patients as the results are very positive.

Due to its benefits and effectiveness, it is being applied in more fields than Traumatology, such as Dentistry, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic Medicine.  

What are they?

Growth factors are a collection of proteins present in plasma and blood platelets that play an essential role in the repair and regeneration of tissues.

Thus, treatment with growth factors (GF) or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses signaling proteins, cytokines, and other substances obtained from the patient’s own blood.

How is the procedure?

To begin with, it’s a relatively simple process that takes about 40 minutes. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient as in a blood test and centrifuged in a specialized machine.

A total of three fractions are obtained from this centrifugation:

-Red fraction or red blood cells, which are deposited at the bottom of the tube.
-White fraction or leukocytes
-And, in the upper layer, the plasma and platelets with all the substances that will make possible the repair of the damaged tissue. Within the plasma layer, we can differentiate two parts: the platelet-rich and the platelet-poor.

Later and immediately, the specialized doctor will inject the rich or poor plasma concentrate, either directly or by means of an ultrasound-guided procedure (helped by an ultrasound machine) to ensure that the growth factors go to the exact place of the ailment.

In what cases are they used?

Growth Factors can be used on virtually any injured tissue. In Sports Traumatology, to help repair muscle injuries (so frequent); as well as tendon or ligament injuries. In general orthopedics, the most common use is for osteoarthritis.

How many infiltrations are carried out?

There is no established criterion. It will depend on the type of injury and the physician’s criteria.

What is the recovery time after infiltration?

After the treatment there is no recovery period, so the patient can continue with his normal life.

What are the possible complications?

The truth is that, as it is a substance that belongs to the organism, no adverse reactions or allergies of any kind have been described.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Another therapy that allows tissue regeneration is the use of mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can give rise to various types of cells from skeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bone and fat. Hence they are optimal for restoration.

How is the process?
The process of removing MSCs is performed by the specialist surgeon in the operating room, or through the patient’s own fat or bone marrow. It is a relatively quick technique that requires minimal sedation in most cases. These cells are then infiltrated into the exact injured area for regeneration.

What is it?

Stem cells are different from other cells because of their ability to self-renew, since they can make clones of themselves and, in addition, become specialized cells and can recover or renew the function of tissue that may have been lost through disease, defect or injury. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells found in bone marrow or fat and are important for making and repairing musculoskeletal tissues such as cartilage, bone, and tendons. Therefore, in recent years, the therapy of mesenchymal stem cell application has been successfully developed in various ailments such as arthritis.